You are not alone.
Releasing and equipping the hearts of men, women & families to be free in what God created them to be.

Welcome to Alpha Warrior Ministries
The different messages that men and women are bombarded with are not only confusing, but dangerous. The notion that masculinity is toxic is a misnomer.
The same masculine traits that cause bad men to start fights, are the traits that cause good men to run into burning buildings and save people’s lives. The male traits that causes bad men to take unhealthy risks are the same traits that inspire good men to defend our country, protect our streets, start businesses and build ministries in dangerous places.
The answer to bad men is not less masculinity, but better masculinity. Better masculinity empowers strong marriages, healthy friendships and balanced children. Passive men do not stop evil, weak men are simply enablers of wicked men.
Most of the atrocities of this world have two things in common, bad men who do the horrible acts and weak men who won’t stop them. We need good men who will stand for our families and futures. “It’s not masculinity that is toxic, it’s the lack of it.”

What we offer is a real, active and committed community.
Brothers and sisters doing life side by side.
You are not alone.
Just like many Warrior units, we leave no Warrior behind. (Luke 15) We are one body with many unique parts. (1 Corinthians 12). We are a community to support, back-up, strengthen, and overwatch each other.
We are designed by God to have vibrant, exciting and fulfilled lives, marriages and children; (John 10:10b) but many are confused, lost, tired and bored. (John 10:10a)
Our Purpose
Releasing and equipping the hearts of men, women & families to be free in what God created them to be.






We acknowledge that there are nonnegotiable in life. We will take a defensive posture in the natural against any attack on our Foxtrot6, however in the Spiritual we will be offensive in our attack on the enemy against the same.
AWM Founders
Tracy and Rhonda Markum exemplify the power of God’s restoration and healing when husband and wife place God at the head of the household. The ministry goal is to create community between families to lift the kingdom with each other, so that we create the change we want to see in the world. One household at a time. Together, we are not alone.
Now, more than ever, the strength between husband and wife is essential for raising future generations. Over the last few decades, our social norm has swiftly attacked the family’s structure and our faith by attempting to destroy masculinity and femininity.
It’s time to deepen our knowledge and regain our identity in Christ, so we may raise spiritual warriors unafraid to stand up for what is right, and wholesome according to the principles taught in the Bible. Releasing and equipping the hearts of men, women and families to be free in what God created them to be!

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity” Proverbs 17:17
Alpha Warrior Ministries Symbolism
We strive to make everything we do reflect our commitment to being better men and women and followers of Christ. Our logos and symbols have a deep and rich meaning.
ALPHA: the beginning or the first. Jesus is the first and foremost reason for everything we do, He is our example of sacrifice and masculinity. We are to be the first to sacrifice, so that our families may have freedom and peace, and we are to be the first to share the gospel. We are to be the first to stand in defense of the Foxtrot6 and our mission.
WARRIOR: We are spiritual warriors. We have a posture of defense in the natural and physical, defending those things that we value most, and that God has put under our care. We are to have an offensive attack on evil in the heavenly realms, taking the fight through prayer and spiritual warfare to our spiritual enemy before they can attack our families, loved ones, brothers and sisters.
OUR HELMET: In Ephesians 6 God instructs us; “ v12, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
The Alpha Warrior helmet is a covering of our head and a protection of the most vital organ, our minds, with the security of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ.
The helmet is scarred, and battle worn, symbolizing our fight against our evil enemy. There are three scars, one for the Father, one for the Son, and the other for Holy Spirit, the triune God. The helmet is gold, the royal currency, for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. One side of the helmet is light and the other side is dark depicting our earthly struggle between the two worlds of light and dark forces. The dark side has a crack at the crown showing the inferiority of the ruler of this world to the King of Kings. Our helmet sets above and upon the word Ministries, showing that above all else we are to spread our message to the world.